COVID Safety Guidelines and
Screening Questionaire
Before your child's appointment, please review our screening questionnaire and safety guidelines to help keep everyone safe and healthy! If you answer yes to any of the screening questions, please call the office at 248.347.8040.
Has anyone in your immediate family had a positive COVID-19 test? When? Any pending COVID-19 tests?
Have you, the patient or anyone in your home been in contact with a person with known or suspected COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
Have you, the patient or anyone in your home been sick with a fever and/or cough in the past 14 days?
When you arrive, please call the office and dial 1 to speak to a receptionist.
Only one parent/guardian accompanying patient. Children up to 12 months of age may come with both parents.
Staff, parents/guardians and patients (ages 4+) must wear a mask.
Please do not bring siblings of patients with you.